Women have come a long way in their quest for the leadership positions, education, and vocations that were once closed to them. They still make up a small percentage of business leaders, though. Only 6% of the CEOs of S&P 500 businesses are female as of December 2020, and only 21.2% of board seats are held by women.
Zonta International celebrated a century of dedication to strengthening women globally through outreach and advocacy on November 8th, 2019.
The Centennial Anniversary Panel oversaw a ten-year project to create a history of those 100 years in order to honor the contributions and accomplishments of the corporation and its districts, clubs, and individual members.
Zontians from all around the world contributed information to support the historian and Danish Zontian Eva Nielsen’s writing and study.
Zonta International is one of the top professional organizations in the world, empowering women all over the world through advocacy and service.
Zonta International aspires to a future in which every woman can realize her potential and where women’s rights are viewed as fundamental human rights.
In such a society, women have equal access to all resources and representation in positions of power to men.
No woman would experience violence in such a world.
The Jane M. Klausman (JMK) Women in Business Scholarship program assists women in pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in business management and overcoming gender obstacles from the classroom to the boardroom because Zonta International supports gender equality. The inaugural Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships were given out by the Zonta Foundation for Women in 1998 to women pursuing business degrees that would lead to careers in business management. Zonta Club of Syracuse, New York, USA member Jane M. Klausman served as parliamentarian for Zonta International from 1990 to 1995. Ms. Klausman held positions as a professional assistant, legislator, and businesswoman during her career.
The Zonta club, district/region, and international levels are where the program is active. 37 foreign scholarships worth $5,000 are available from Zonta International. One applicant from each district or region may be submitted for a scholarship abroad. A total of two candidates may be submitted by the five largest districts.
Zonta has given 676 scholarships worth more than US$1.6 million to 522 women from 66 different countries since the program’s start.
Applicants must be females of any age enrolled in a business program at an accredited university, college, or institute with a major field of specialization in financial reporting, economics, financial management, business administration, micro-enterprise, information technology, marketing, business management, resource management, global business, or entrepreneurship and who have demonstrated exceptional potential in the field while residing or attending school in a Zonta district or region. Online students who are enrolled at an approved university, college, or institute are also qualified to apply.
When submitting an application to the local Zonta club, students must be engaged in at least the second year of an undergraduate course or the last year of a master’s degree. Candidates must be enrolled in school when the scholarship money is awarded and cannot expect to graduate before April 2023. The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship cannot be renewed for a second year if it has already been awarded to a district or internationally.
The Scholarship is not open to classified members (club members and people with direct membership in Zonta International), employees of Zonta International and Zonta Foundation for Women, or their relatives (spouses, partners in a common-law relationship, siblings, nieces, and/or cousins).
The Zonta club must receive all application materials by the deadline noted on the application. If the contact information for a Zonta club is not printed on the application, please use the Club Locator at http://www.zonta.org/locateaclub to find one close to you or send an email with your name and contact details to Zonta International Headquarters at [email protected]. Candidates from geographical locations within a Zonta district/region where there are no clubs are allowed to apply for international scholarships through a Zonta district/region and will be taken into consideration.
The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships are made available by the kind donations made to the Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship Program by Zontians, Zonta clubs, and Zonta friends.
Interested persons can now apply here https://www.zonta.org/Web/Programs/Education/Women_in_Business_Scholarship